
Redwood Park Governing School Council has endorsed a school dress code policy which all students are expected to follow. The benefits of the dress code policy are:

  • To create a sense of equity for all the students.
  • To reduce “social pressure” to follow fashion trends.
  • To give the school a unique identity.
  • To promote pride and belonging in the school community.
  • To provide practical clothes for a wide range of physical activities and weather conditions.
  • To ensure students observe health, safety and appropriate dress standards.
  • To help protect students by making them identifiable as members of our school community.

Our Uniform consists of:

  • Green and black polo top – in either Short Sleeve or Long – available from our Uniform Shop
  • Black shorts, skirts or trousers
  • Green and White check dress – available from Target Stores

Uniform purchases can be made anytime via the Qkr app (preferred), B-Point, or paper order form.

Our onsite uniform shop is only open the week before the first week of Term 1 on Monday 9.30 to 10.30am and Tuesday 1.00 to 2.00pm.