Dates and times
Term dates
Visit the department’s term dates for South Australian state schools.
You can also download the school term calendar (PDF).
School times
8:35 - Gates open
8:55 - Class begins
10:55 to 11:15 - Recess
1:05 - Eating lunch with supervision
1:15 to 1:45 - Lunch play break
3:05 - Dismissal
Supervision before and after school
A teacher is on duty inside the fence line from 8:35am for supervision. Parents will need to supervise children on the JP Playground until 8:55am (when school starts). For safety reasons, we ask parents not to send children to school before supervision commences at 8:35am.
A staff member supervises the yard areas inside the school fence line from 3:05pm to 3:20pm.
At 3:20pm, all children who have not been collected will be taken to the office. If this becomes a regular occurrence, children will be enrolled in our OSHC service.
Front office location and hours
Our front office is located in the North Eastern section of the school (double red doors adjacent the flag poles). Our front office staff are always ready to help with any questions or assistance you may need and is open from 8am till 4pm.
All parents and visitors should be directed to the front office to sign in.
Picking your child up early
If you need to collect your child from school at a time other than normal dismissal time they must be signed out through the front office. This make sure that all students can be accounted for in the event of an emergency evacuation. For safety reasons, children will not be allowed to wait outside their classrooms to be collected.
If your child is to go home outside of normal dismissal time and will not be picked up by an adult, we require a note to inform us of these arrangements.
Early dismissal and school closure days
This school dismisses students at 3:05pm every day. On the last day of each school term, dismissal is at 2:05pm.
The school is closed 4 times during the school year. Three of these days are dedicated to staff for professional training and development. The fourth is a closure in response to events of special significance.
Parents and carers are advised well in advance of pupil free and school closure days. Out of School Hours Care (OSHC) programs are conducted on these days.
Emergency contact details
Each student brings home a Student Information form for completion at the beginning of each school year. Please make sure this is checked thoroughly and returned to school promptly.
It’s important that parents and carers inform the school of any changes during the year to the emergency contact information that is on the Student Information form.
Safety when leaving school
Teaching children about road safety is an important part of our curriculum.
We ask parents and carers to help us to teach children road safety rules by:
- not double-parking while collecting children
- observing the ‘No Parking’ and ‘Kiss and Drop’ signs around the school (incorrectly parked cars can obscure the view of approaching traffic and the local council often patrols the area)
- not calling to children to cross the road
- encouraging children to use the pathways and school crossing
- not using staff car parks as turning areas
- using the school pedestrian gate and not walking under or past the ‘boom gate’.